Saugandhika Residency
Haripad is known as the “town of temple†.It is the land of†mayuraSandesaâ€, The land of snake boats and the land of dance and drama. In the opinion of the Dutch Governor Gollanez the sea coast between Quilon and purakad which the Dutch called†Martha†and which region was known as karthikapally (Of which haripad was a part) consisted of two regions or nation states, karnoppally (The present karunagapally) and karimpalli.
The Saugandhika Residency is the prestigious Hotel located in the prime city of Haripad. Comfortable rooms, excellent multi cosine restaurant, friendly and alternative service make us different from rest of the hotels
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Conference Room
Whether you need a budget friendly solution, or an event with out-of-the-box elements such as a private wine or gin tasting, a cocktail buffet, a conference or product launch activities it would be our pleasure to send you a personalized quote.
Our Lounge is ideal for pre-dinner appetizer  and staccato dinners or festive parties with flying finger food. Let us know what your needs and budget are and it will be our pleasure to send you a personalized offer.
The best places to get a drink in everyone’s favourite state. The contemporary huts maintain their charming and draw upon local flavours in their innovative menus. this spacious restaurant and bar is a wonderful place to while away your time during the day, and also at night.
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Saugandhika Group Of Hotels
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